Thursday, February 19, 2015


So, hey! What's new? I'm blocked. No. New. Ideas. Useless. Brain. In the chapter I wrote this morning, the 59th chapter to be exact, a character remarked that something was lame and I just about banged my head about the computer and screamed, “THIS WHOLE CHAPTER IS LAME!” Does anyone have a tip on what to do when you're blocked? I keep stubbornly pushing forward, churning out forced dialogue, no description, wallowing-in-self-pity characters. I've literally written 177 words in the past weekish. How miserably pathetic is that?! Not knowing what to write is depressing. :`( I guess I know what to write. Maybe I'm just afraid to write the romance in fear that it will be cheesy, stupid and embarrassing. There's also a fight coming up between Aura and Adam and I'm not sure what to do to make it believable. He's not the kind of person to 1. fight, 2. not forgive someone after the fight and 3. hold a grudge enough to not talk to them for a couple of days.
So, basically, what's supposed to happen is earlier Adam tells Aura that Chris commissioned him to look after her. So, every nice thing he does for her, she questions whether he's doing it because Chris told him to, or because he actually cares about her. Something that he's supposed to say in the near future is going to set her off and she gets mad at him for that very insecurity. How do I do it? Actually writing this out has solidified it in my mind and I feel more capable of writing it not. Thanks!:) 

And this one, I just thought was funny....

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