Saturday, February 14, 2015

Hey! Wanna know some things about me? Here you go!
I'm a(n)...
1. ...girl named Hannah
2. ...avid writer
3. ...hopeless romantic
4. ...big sister, oldest of five
5. ...Christian
6. ...slight schizophrenic
7. ...16 year old
8. ...homeschooler
9. ...enthusiastic reader
10. ...piano player
11. ...introvert
12. ...grammar freak (and what do you know, I spelled grammar wrong...I corrected it though, if you're looking at it and wondering if I'm delusional)
13. ...delusional person
14. ...nerd and proud of  it
15. ...OCD-ish person (See how I did 15 things...? ....And I'm 15? And 15 is divisible by 5? I love numbers divisible by 5! And now it doesn't work because I'm 16. Darn!)

Welcome to my author site. Here I'm going to provide updates on my book that I'm currently writing on and if I'm stuck, I'll rant. (Feel free to skip those posts:) I attended a writer's workshop and they were talking about creating a brand and an author's website. My other blog ( is more whatever pops into my brain and I feel like blogging about. And though, I don't think people will read this, it's purely for my visual side of me and to keep me accountable. Maybe it'll force me to keep moving forward in stupid stories that tempt me to slap delete and go curl in a corner and cry and eat chocolate. So, here goes. Let's see how this turns out...

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