Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Blog Readers, These are the Gibsons

Okay, so I know I'm, like, the most horrible writer blogger, but I've got another blog that I devote most of my time and energy to. Click here, if you want to learn more. So, sorry to all my non-existant followers. (Actually, for your information, I've got a grand total of 2 followers and *coughcough* both of them are my sisters. Love you, Emma and Abby. ;) So, apologies aside, I'll start on what I actually came here to post.

In honor of an amazing couple from my former church, there has been a new twist in Once Upon a Fantasy.
Before I say anything, though, I want you to meet these people.

I'd like to introduce Tanner and Rebekah Gibson. Here is a little background on them:

Bekah has had Lyme disease since she was a baby, but never knew it until three years ago. She had just been unhealthy her whole life. She met Tanner and they got married. Four months later, Bekah's Lyme got worse, due to the stress of arranging a wedding. She went from doctor to doctor to specialist until she was finally diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease. She underwent treatment for around two years. The medicine caused her to develop a "herx reaction" which basically put the bacteria into her blood stream and gave her a lot of terrible symptoms. Through a series of antibiotics and painful symptoms as well as emotional symptoms, and a couple of moments when she thought she wasn't going to make it, through prayer she pulled through. Tanner has Lyme as well, and is currently responding well to treatment. I actually don't know a lot about him, since I just learned of his diagnosis. This story is so so so complicated and you can read all of it here, on Bekah's blog.

So, needless to say, they've inspired me. My character is going to go through Chronic Lyme Disease - which is a very controversial disease, as many doctors won't treat it. Google it. :) - to help raise awareness for this and hopefully help the many other people with this disease identify with Annabelle and let them know they're not alone...that is if I ever get to publishing it, which will be my goal. I like this story better than my last six. A lot better.

So, Once Upon a Fantasy, is currently under major construction, because I wrote half the book before I interviewed Bekah and figured out that I had several MAJOR points wrong. I'm getting there, though. Pray that I can get through this stage and that this story will inspire people!

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