Here's the link, since it says at the end that I'm not allowed to replicate it or anything of the sort:
Read it. Lyme disease is one of those chronic illnesses where this is relevant. It accurately depicts the strength required for those chronically ill.
Same status on Lyme-Aid: Once Upon a Fantasy as I have decided to call it unless a better suggestion rides past my brain. Still working on an outline and filling in spots between my known scenes.
And the hardest part was letting go. Not taking part was the hardest part...I could feel it go down, bittersweet. I could taste in my mouth, silver lining the cloud...I wish that I could work it out... Everything I do, it's just come undone. And everything is torn apart. -The Hardest Part by: ColdplayP.S. I'll have you know this was published on Saturday. Two minutes before midnight. :)
An hour and two minutes, but who counts was set to Pacific Time...Just changed it to Mountain Time. HA!