Sunday, September 13, 2015


I don't have a ton to update on. Once Upon a Fantasy is at 7,000 words at the moment. I'm not much further in the story then I was last week when I posted. College and all that. :)

Okay, I need an opinion. Emma suggested changing the name to Lime-Aid or maybe Lyme-Aid. What do you think?

And, since, once again I don't have much to post, I'm going to post the lyrics to a song that totally personifies this story.
Losing friends and I'm chasing sleep. Everybody's worried about me. In too deep...I'm in too deep. It's been two years and I miss my home. There's a fire burning in my bones. I still believe...All those words I didn't say. The wrecking balls inside my brain. I will scream them loud tonight. Can you hear my voice this time?... This is my fight song. Take-back-my-life song. Prove-I'm-alright song. My power's turned on. Starting right now I'll be strong. I'll play my fight song. And I don't really care if nobody else believes. Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me.                                                                                                                                                                      ~Fight Song by: Rachel Platten 

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